Blackstone completes investigation, monitoring and remediation for the Kansas Petroleum Storage Tank Release Trust Funds. The Storage Tank Trust Funds are designed to provide financial assistance to owners and operators of facilities where contamination from petroleum storage tanks has occurred.
Monitoring: Blackstone completes routine groundwater monitoring at approximately 45 petroleum release sites for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) Trust Fund groundwater monitoring program. Blackstone samples the groundwater at each facility on a semi-annual or quarterly basis for contaminants of concern, assesses the condition of the monitoring wells, and prepares a report detailing the results following each event. Monitoring is conducted to obtain and develop sufficient data so that potential risk to the environment and human health can be evaluated. Based on the results of the monitoring, Blackstone makes recommendations regarding future work at each facility.
Investigation: Blackstone has completed Limited Site Assessments for the Gardner-Cenex and Belle Stop facilities. The Scope of Work included development of a Work Plan, installation of multiple monitoring wells and soil borings, soil sampling, groundwater sampling, and preparation of a comprehensive report. Follow-up quarterly groundwater monitoring was also conducted at each site. The goal of these investigations was to determine the horizontal and vertical extent of groundwater and soil contamination, identification of contaminant migration pathways, and to determine the soil types and hydrologic properties of the unsaturated and saturated zones.
Remediation: Blackstone has completed remedial action at multiple Trust Fund sites including free-phase product recovery, sorbent sock placement for product recovery, and injection of oxidants. These remedial techniques are often added to the monitoring scope of work when free-phase product is present in one or more monitoring wells.