Stormwater Management
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Stormwater Management

Blackstone’s creative engineers and scientists utilize traditional and green infrastructure design to develop structural and non-structural best management practices, which address site application and stormwater management requirements. We also provide expertise in permitting and site requirements.

Service Offerings

Regulatory Assistance
  • NPDES Permitting
  • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans
  • SWPPP Inspections and Training
  • Best Management Practices
  • Water Quality Monitoring
  • Surface Water Anti-Degradation Studies
  • Clean Water Act Section 404 Permtting
  • Hydrologic and Hydraulic Analysis and Modeling
Stormwater Management Design
  • Detention and Retention Basins
  • Green Infrastructure
  • Low-Impact Development Design
  • Erosion Control Design
  • Flood Control
  • Streambank Stabilization
Information Sheet & Related Projects

Contact Us

For more information about this service line, call Kyle Kukuk at 913.956.6223.

Email Kyle