Project Categories Stormwater


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WR: Stormwater Channel Restoration

August 2, 2019

Nebraska Location Kyle Kukuk Contact Service Lines Water ResourcesCivil EngineeringStormwater Management Project Summary Blackstone Environmental provided water resource engineering to an industrial facility in Nebraska to assist in replacement of an undersized storm water culvert and restoration of channel riprap lining and vegetation. An existing channel crossing the culvert system, which consisted of multiple circular corrugated metal pipes, did not provide adequate hydraulic capacity or have the ability to pass woody debris downstream. The existing culverts needed replacement, and the client requested a box culvert to improve hydraulic capacity through the channel. Existing channel banks downstream of the culvert crossing were eroding due to lack of riprap and exposure to the elements over many years. The native soils are highly erodible, which was evident in multiple areas of the storm water channel. Services Provided This project included water resource engineering, streambank stabilization and Corps of Engineers environmental permitting. Blackstone designed a new concrete box culvert for an access road crossing for the main storm water…
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Env Com: SPCC, SWPPP, NPDES: SpecChem, LLC

August 2, 2019

Multiple Location Emily Smart Contact Service Lines Environmental ComplianceStormwater Management Project Summary Blackstone staff have completed site visits at several SpecChem facilities to support the preparation of SPCC Plans and SWPPPs, stormwater and NPDES permit compliance, and hazardous waste management compliance. SPCC Plans have been developed in general accordance with United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Guidance in 40 CFR Part 112, Oil Pollution Prevention. NPDES permitting and SWPPP requirements are dependent upon the individual state in which a facility is located. Blackstone has worked closely with SpecChem personnel and State Regulators to ensure SpecChem facility compliance with their specific state NPDES requirements. Additionally, Blackstone has prepared site-specific SWPPPs in order to incorporate individual state requirements.  Blackstone has also provided SpecChem with hazardous waste permitting and compliance support. Services provided have included waste characterization determinations, generator status determinations, review of waste management requirements, and regulatory compliance support. Services Provided Environmental Compliance Services Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan PreparationStormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) PreparationNational Pollutant Discharge…
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