Project Categories Groundwater


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SW: Solid Waste Engineering & Compliance Services: WCG/GL

August 2, 2019

Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Kentucky Location Lindsay James Contact Service Lines GroundwaterSolid WasteGeology & Hydrogeology Project Summary Blackstone provides solid waste and groundwater compliance for WCA Waste/GFL in Kansas, Missouri, Colorado, and Kentucky. Blackstone provides groundwater compliance services including routine groundwater monitoring and reporting, alternate source demonstrations, monitoring network design, leachate monitoring, and groundwater monitoring plan preparation. Blackstone also assists with stormwater management plan preparation, routine solid waste engineering, and landfill gas monitoring and remedial solutions. Services Provided Black Oak Landfill horizontal expansion engineering, design and permitting.CML Cell 6 sump investigation in support of engineering services to determining groundwater level and engineering design implications.Perform semi-annual groundwater sampling, statistical analysis, and reporting for multiple landfills throughout the Midwest.Conduct background quarterly monitoring for new network wells and perform statistical analysis at multiple landfills to evaluate data quality and representativeness.Prepare Assessment of Corrective Measures reports and well installation work plans.Perform proactive geochemical analysis for monitoring wells showing statistical exceedances comparing leachate analytical and surface water analytical to well data.Prepared…
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Groundwater: KDHE Petroleum Storage Tank Trust Fund

August 2, 2019

Kansas Location Lindsay James Contact Service Lines GroundwaterDue Diligence Project Understanding Blackstone completes investigation, monitoring and remediation for the Kansas Petroleum Storage Tank Release Trust Funds. The Storage Tank Trust Funds are designed to provide financial assistance to owners and operators of facilities where contamination from petroleum storage tanks has occurred. Services Provided Monitoring: Blackstone completes routine groundwater monitoring at approximately 45 petroleum release sites for the Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) Trust Fund groundwater monitoring program. Blackstone samples the groundwater at each facility on a semi-annual or quarterly basis for contaminants of concern, assesses the condition of the monitoring wells, and prepares a report detailing the results following each event. Monitoring is conducted to obtain and develop sufficient data so that potential risk to the environment and human health can be evaluated. Based on the results of the monitoring, Blackstone makes recommendations regarding future work at each facility. Investigation: Blackstone has completed Limited Site Assessments for the Gardner-Cenex and Belle Stop facilities.…
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Env. Com.: Electric Utility Landfill and Compliance Support

July 31, 2019

Kansas Location Emily Smart Contact Service Lines Environmental ComplianceGroundwaterSolid Waste Project Summary Blackstone provides compliance services to local electric utilities, including Westar Energy and the Kansas City Board of Public Utilities. These services include: Quarterly inspection of landfills for QA and SWP3 complianceGroundwater sampling and reporting including Sanitas data analysisGroundwater modelingAirspace computations for landfillsLandfill permit modificationsLandfill closure and post-closure cost estimatesCQA oversight, monitoring, and reportingPreparation of landfill operations planPreparation of waste management unit closure plansPrepare sampling and analysis plansPrepare plot plansReview of remediation plansCompliance for CCR unitsFly Ash landfill monofill facility operation planFly Ash landfill engineering design plans
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Groundwater: Coffey County Sanitary Landfill: Compliance & Engineering Services

July 31, 2019

Kansas Location Kyle Kukuk Contact Service Lines GroundwaterSolid Waste Project Summary Blackstone provides environmental compliance and engineering services to the Coffey County Sanitary Landfill (CCSL). The CCSL is an approximate 38-acre municipal solid waste landfill (MSW) located near Burlington, Kansas, and operated by Coffey County. Services Provided Blackstone assists the landfill with groundwater monitoring and also provides engineering design services, construction quality assurance for liner and cap construction, and test pad permeability (Boutwell) testing. Blackstone also prepared a design report for a proposed phytoremediation pilot test plot unit. The pilot test plot was designed to evaluate using CCSL leachate for beneficial use as an irrigation source on native, water-loving trees and grasses, which will utilize the evapotranspiration process to naturally treat the landfill leachate. The pilot test plot goal is to determine the viability of using diluted leachate as an irrigation source and to evaluate the interaction between the native vegetation and the leachate to ultimately determine maximum loading rates for a larger, permanent phytoremediation…
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GW: City of St. Joseph Sanitary Landfill: Compliance & Engineering Services

July 31, 2019

Missouri Location Lindsay James Contact Service Lines GroundwaterSolid Waste Geology & Hydrogeology Project Understanding Blackstone provides routine groundwater monitoring and compliance services for the City of St. Joseph Sanitary Landfill and the closed McArthur Drive Landfill. Blackstone has assisted the City with cell Construction Quality Assurance (CQA), Erosion Control Plan preparation, Cap and Closure services, installation of a nested perimeter probe gas monitoring system, landfill rate study, stormwater compliance, GCCS system repairs, and airspace calculations. Services Provided Blackstone provides routine semi-annual groundwater monitoring and statistical evaluation for the St. Joseph Sanitary Landfill and annual monitoring of groundwater, sediment, and surface water for the closed McArthur Drive Landfill. Non-routine groundwater services have included investigation of VOC detections in groundwater; preparation of sampling and analysis plans; background statistical updates; hydrogeological site characterization activities; investigation of fluctuating water levels in multiple monitoring wells using downhole camera inspection; and installation of replacement monitoring wells. Blackstone completed oversight and installation of a complex site-wide nested perimeter gas probe monitoring system…
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DD: Casey’s General Stores Pre-Purchase Audits

July 31, 2019

Iowa, Kansas Location Emily Smart Contact Service Lines Due DiligenceGroundwater Geology & Hydrogeology Project Summary Blackstone provided pre-purchase review of environmental databases, imagery, site reconnaissance, soil and groundwater sampling, and geotechnical engineering exploration of Casey’s General Store properties ranging from active gas stations to agricultural fields. The objectives of the PPAs were to conduct site reconnaissance and data research for the site and adjacent properties to determine if any factors are present that may have a negative impact on the environmental integrity of the site; and to conduct a limited subsurface investigation (LSI) to determine if petroleum hydrocarbons have been released or spilled into the soils or groundwater underlying the site prior to the potential purchase by Casey’s General Stores. Geotechnical evaluation is also included in order to determine viability of soils for planned construction activities in order to predict project costs. Services Provided Site history and database review prior to mobilizationSite reconnaissanceMinimum one environmental boring per sitePID screening, log borehole, sample soil as appropriateSample…
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