August 2, 2019
Missouri, Kansas, Colorado, Kentucky Location Lindsay James Contact Service Lines GroundwaterSolid WasteGeology & Hydrogeology Project Summary Blackstone provides solid waste and groundwater compliance for WCA Waste/GFL in Kansas, Missouri, Colorado, and Kentucky. Blackstone provides groundwater compliance services including routine groundwater monitoring and reporting, alternate source demonstrations, monitoring network design, leachate monitoring, and groundwater monitoring plan preparation. Blackstone also assists with stormwater management plan preparation, routine solid waste engineering, and landfill gas monitoring and remedial solutions. Services Provided Black Oak Landfill horizontal expansion engineering, design and permitting.CML Cell 6 sump investigation in support of engineering services to determining groundwater level and engineering design implications.Perform semi-annual groundwater sampling, statistical analysis, and reporting for multiple landfills throughout the Midwest.Conduct background quarterly monitoring for new network wells and perform statistical analysis at multiple landfills to evaluate data quality and representativeness.Prepare Assessment of Corrective Measures reports and well installation work plans.Perform proactive geochemical analysis for monitoring wells showing statistical exceedances comparing leachate analytical and surface water analytical to well data.Prepared…
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